Buy Facebook Reviews

Can we deliver the custom made facebook Fanpage Reviews
Yes, sure. If you want, you can send us your customized Facebook FanPage Reviews. Please put the Reviews in the form below ASAP after purchase. In this case, we will deliver your custom made Reviews on your Facebook Page.
How To Get More Facebook Fanpage Reviews
In many places they call Facebook Reviews, in other Facebook Recommends, Facebook 5 Star Ratings etc. On this occasion, as we talk about Facebook, we will call them Fanpage ratings.
While some companies have problems establishing the ROI of their Digital Marketing campaigns, others are responsible for being part of the change and are actively part of the trend that Digital Marketing takes .
The simple fact of having positive review on your FanPage or on the page of your products, has shown an important difference.
In fact, 90% of customers say that positive online ratings played an important role in their purchase decision.
Taking a moment to design a strategy to encourage your audience to write positive reviews on your FanPage can help you generate more sales both today and in the future.
But … What to do to get positive reviews on your FanPage?
Let’s say you already have a database … How about you ask your clients directly?
One of the advantages of having a loyal and up-to-date database is that surely a good percentage of this list will not have problems in leaving you a good review.
If the number of people who have “Like” on your page is very high, even a small percentage could produce a lot of positive comments .
In case your FanPage has been created recently or maybe you have not generated a good community yet, there is a solution to get positive Reviews on your Fanpage! Incentives!
For this very reason…
We prepare a step-by-step guide to generate Positive Ratings in your FanPage
The first thing we have to do is to have the option to confirm ratings is enabled, for this option, look for the configuration tab , then choose the option to edit page then tabs , here you can enable this option (Make sure you have the link on this tab handy).
1- Prepare your offer
Here, the creation of a landing page is the ideal option. Create a unique and striking offer in which to register, you will get a promotional code or, send them the coupon by mail once they have registered.
2 – Set metrics
Be sure to track how many people benefit from your promotional code, the average order value, the percentage of new orders and all other marketing and sales metrics that are important to your company, which specifically refer to this promotion.
This will help you understand if the ROI is worthwhile to run a similar campaign in the future.
3 – Prepare a thank you message to those who have made the purchase using the code
After knowing that a customer’s order has arrived (this could be immediately if your product is delivered electronically or after a week if it has to be sent), send them a follow-up email.
In this email, you thank the client for your request and ask for an rating on your Facebook page .
You can add a direct link to the Ratings tab on your Fanpage (this unique link can be found in the part where you configured your tab).
Here is an example of the email you can send:
Hi [Name],
Thank you very much for your recent purchase. Would you mind taking a minute to leave us a review / rating on Facebook? Once we receive [INSERT A NUMBER] positive comments, we will unlock a special promotional code just for our Facebook community.
Any questions? Reply to this email Thank you!
Giving an incentive and a deadline (reaching X number of positive ratings in your FanPage) generate a sense of urgency that motivates your client to leave their rating right away.
Make sure you provide good service and provide value.
4 – Use ads on Facebook to generate traffic to your landing page.
In order to reach more people your promotion, generate more positive ratings and at the same time sell more, you can consider creating a Facebook campaign that will take more people to the landing page of your promotion.
Advertising campaigns on Facebook are relatively cheap and provide enough segmentation options to help you reach your ideal customer .
Do not throw it in a broken bag.
With more than 60% of consumers going to social networking sites to review the ratings of the products, there are few reasons not to consider a campaign like this .
You can be sure that your competitors will do what they can to increase their number of positive and authentic ratings of their customers (please do not invent them).
Growing your community on Facebook increasing your sales sounds like a good goal for this end of the semester, do not you think?
5. This is perhaps the most important part. You need to buy Facebook reviews for your Fanpage.
Buying ratings is the cheapest and most effective way to get your Fanpage moving. You can get safe ratings from “Buy Cheap Likes And Followers” service
Is it safe to buy Facebook reviews?
Our capture system is the safest in the market. Our strategies are 100% safe and legal, we promote your business among our community of real users, to achieve the objectives always in the estimated time and following the guidelines and policies of Facebook.
Our service is guaranteed 100% effective. This means that if we do not meet our objective, we will refund your money without any discomfort for you.
Delivery times vary depending on the number of Facebook Ratings contracted, but normally we start our services within 6 hours once the payment is made.
To carry out this service, we do not need any type of Administrator permissions from your FanPage. Our service is completely external and independent.
Yes, we will ask you to stop any type of Fan Capture ad and to disable all country restrictions that your FanPage may have. Buy Facebook Reviews now !
p.s. if you need other Facebook services for you Fanpage, you can find services on our website.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS – Buy Facebook Reviews (Fanpage Ratings)
- What is a Facebook Fanpage ReviewA Facebook Fan Page Review is when people share their thoughts about a Facebook Page by giving it star ratings and writing comments. These reviews help others know if the page is good or not, and they can affect how people see the page.
- How much cost Facebook Review?It depends of how package you choose. From $1- $28
- Do you provide Reviews from real people?Yes, the reviews come from Real Facebook profiles.
- Can I buy Reviews with my Paypal account?Yes, you can use Paypal as a payment method to buy Facebook Reviews on our website.